
Top 11 Books for the Fitness Life-stylist

“Real knowledge is to know the extent of one’s ignorance” — Confucius

I’ve got a list for you. A reading list… ok ok stop groaning thanks 😉

I asked some other gym owner mates of mine for books that help their clients (and themselves), and I wanted to pass their recommendations on to you. I am starting Tiny Habits ASAP and I can’t wait to get into Peter Attia’s (AKA The Fit Doctor) book either! 

Here we go—the top 11 books for gym goers as chosen by gym owners!

“Atomic Habits” by James Clear—This book is a great tool for helping people change behavior and create positive habits that last. Use it to cultivate the habits that will help you accomplish your goals in the gym!

“Tiny Habits” by B.J. Fogg—Another book on habit formation, this one “picks up where ‘Atomic Habits’ left off,” according to Amazon.

“The Ripple Effect” by Greg Wells—Some of the key elements of your life are closely connected. What if you slept better, ate better, and moved more often? You’d probably feel like a superhero—and you might even perform like one.

“The Comfort Crisis” by Michael Easter—What if a little discomfort (like a workout) made you more resilient and better prepared for all the obstacles life is bound to throw at you? Clients regularly tell gym owners that pushing themselves in workouts gives them the courage to deal with challenges outside the gym. How great is that?

“Outlive” by Peter Attia—This is a New York Times bestseller. Here’s one of the key points: Exercise is an incredibly potent “longevity drug.” Check this out and you’ll feel great about choosing to work out regularly and eat better. You’ve made an incredibly important decision!

“Do the Work” by Steven Pressfield—Ever struggled to stick to something? Here’s a book that will help you invest yourself, take action and see things through. Use the ideas here in a tough workout or in your next big task outside the gym.

“Why We Sleep” by Matthew Walker—This one just might convince you to turn off the streaming service an hour early so you can get more rest!

“The Chimp Paradox” by Steve Peters—Peters says “The Chimp” is an entity that lives inside your head. It can derail you or keep you on track. Check this one out if you’d like to learn more about your mind, your emotions and your thoughts.

“Mindset” by Carol Dweck—Ever heard of “the growth mindset”? Carol Dweck will tell you how to use it to find success in any area of your life. You aren’t stuck where you are. You can become the person you want to be to earn the things you want.

“The Motivation Myth” by Jeff Haden—Are some gifted people just more motivated than others? Or can you actually create a process that will help you find the belief and courage you need to accomplish great things? Haden says the latter is true.

“The Four Agreements” by Don Miguel Ruiz—Self-limiting beliefs can cause a lot of angst. What if you believed in yourself and used that energy to achieve real happiness? Set yourself free to do great things!

What a great list right! I hope something here helps you continue to find success in the gym and in life. 

If you’ve read something on this list, hit “reply” and let me know what you think of it. I’d love your opinion. And if you dig into one of the books I’ve listed above, send me some feedback when you’re done. What did you learn from it?


See you in the gym soon to talk fitness, recovery and nutrition!  

– Coach Z

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